AlayaCare External Integrations


AlayaCare SSO Guide

AlayaCare uses AWS Cognito to support SAML 2.0 protocol and offer Single Sign-On (SSO) to our tenants.


Configuring SSO with AlayaCare

There is a two-step process for tenants to set up the SSO feature, where the tenant must provide their IdP metadata to AlayaCare as well as configure the desired AlayaCare environment(s) as a SP on their IdP.

Information Provided to AlayaCare

AlayCare requires the following piece of information to configure SSO:

Metadata URL URL to the metadata relating to the tenant’s IdP configuration.

The metadata endpoint must provide the following details:

AlayaCare Configuration

AlayaCare is responsible for enabling the correct feature flag, “Cognito Single Sign On,” in our tenants’ environment(s). Note that AlayaCare must first set up the AWS Cognito user pool in order for the SSO feature to be fully functional. AlayaCare will notify members of the project team when both of these steps have been completed.

Tenant IdP Configuration

The tenant will need to configure the desired environment(s) as a SP in their IdP and notify AlayaCare when completed.

The metadata for each environment can be found in the following relative path:



Replace example in the URL for your tenant name.

Calling this endpoint will return the following metadata details:

In addition when configuring the environment(s) as SP(s) the following configurations need to be applied.

NameID Has to be configured as the user email.
emailaddress Is required as a claim attribute with the name

A sample of the expected emailaddress attribute in the SAML response should look like:

<saml2:Attribute Name="" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified">
<saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string"></saml2:AttributeValue>